Dialogue with parents

Parental contact characterised by


The kindergarten works in partnership with parents.
We feel it is imperative that our work and plans are clear and transparent to all parents, which is why we welcome all questions, suggestions and constructive criticism.

We have many opportunities for parental contact:

  • Everyday ad hoc conversations when bringing or collecting your child.
  • Appointments can be made with the kindergarten teachers to find out more about how your child is learning and developing.
  • We keep parents informed and provide support during the transition from home/nursery to kindergarten and from kindergarten to primary school.
  • Advice on, and provision of, specialist services.
  • Parental involvement and participation in organising and holding parties and events or even an afternoon spent together in the kindergarten.

  • We hold parents’ evenings to discuss educational issues and answer questions. All suggestions, criticism or changes proposed by parents are taken into consideration in our organisation and planning processes.
  • Our notice board and the regular newsletter sent out by e-mail keep parents up to date with current events, topics/themes covered and even the daily menu.